​Transition Year
The Transition Year Programme is a one year optional programme that is offered to students after their completion of their Junior Cert. It was introduced in Coola Post Primary School in September 2008 and since then it has grown from strength to strength.
The main strength of our Transition Year Programme lies in its in-house development and design, with the interests and needs of our students at the centre of the programme. It provides our students with an opportunity to try new subjects, develop new skills and take part in a range of activities that are aimed to broaden their knowledge of the world around them.
The variety of subjects available for TY students is a cornerstone of our programme. The core subjects of English, Maths and Irish certainly feature prominently; though it is the chance to try new subjects that quite often appeals to our students most. Subjects such as Cookery and TY Tech are very popular as not all students will have had the chance to try these subjects at Junior Cert. Also Science by Inquiry, Business, Accounting, Career Guidance and Public Speaking give TYs a chance to develop new skills and to broaden their horizons.
It is not only these subjects that focus on the students’ skills. Throughout the year there are a number of TY specific activities which also challenge the students; such as First Aid, dance classes, ICT online exams, GAA coaching, Mini-Company and surfing; to name but a few.
Another cornerstone of our Transition Year Programme is the work experience placements where TY students work with a variety of different employers. Thanks to the cooperation and goodwill of employers in the surrounding area, TY students get to experience at first hand the world of work, which also positively impacts on their subject choices for Leaving Cert and on their career paths.
Each year since the inception of TY the school has organised a TY tour for the students; and each year, bar one, the tour has been to the ski resort of Andalo in Italy. Many of the best friendships between TY students have been forged on the pistes of Andalo. A ski tour is one of the most challenging and yet rewarding tours for students as, by the end of the week, they are amazed by how much progress they’ve made and by how much fun they’ve had.
Now into its twelfth year, our Transition Year Programme continually looks to improve and adapt to the needs of our students. Its definitive aspiration is that in years to come when former TY students look back over their experiences of TY in Coola Post Primary School, they reflect positively on how they grew personally and academically, they think affectionately of the friends they made, and they remember fondly the many good times they shared.